This new view of preeclampsia (2016) has its origins in 150 years of prior research. It sounds complicated but its not ! The key is that you have some “new” stretch receptors (brown) in your uterus induced by prior injuries to uterine nerves. Stretching these P2X3 receptors turns on your kidney – because there are direct nerve connections between uterus and kidney – to cause hypertension and proteinuria. Delivering the baby removes the “stretch” and turns off the process.
“Early-onset” PET (<34 weeks) results from stretching P2X3 receptors in injured arterioles (a) whilst “late-onset” PET (>34weeks) results from stretching similar receptors in injured myometrium.
For a full account of the “uterine denervation” view of preeclampsia which has its origins in work by Otto Speigelberg, Breslau (1882) and. John Sophian, London (1953), then please see here. For a wider account of the origins of many womens’ problems including endometriosis, adenomyosis, leiomyoma, ectopic pregnancy, antenatal problems, etc then please click here. Fetal “hypertension” is another expression of hypertension that we will discuss in due course on this site.
1. The etiology of endometriosis
2. The etiology of adenomyosis, myomas, endometriosis
3. The etiology of preeclampsia
4. Preeclampsia – a disorder of uterine “stretch”
5. The etiology of Western diseases
6. The etiology of fetal hypertension
7. The pathophysiology of “constipation”.
(These are technical accounts directed at OBGYNs but may be useful to non-doctors. Please note they are personal views that are NOT accepted by mainstream medicine)